June 2017
Midsummer at Jopikgården
23/Jun/2017 21:28
We and many locals and some guests travelled out to Jopikgården today by boat to enjoy the Swedish midsummer fest. This is a culture experience like few other in Sweden and a great start to a summer experience in Swedish Lapland.
Theres a bear out there
05/Jun/2017 21:01
Today we visited a bear hide in the forest near the Treehotel. Here you can spend an overnight in a fantastic cabin/hide, complete with bunk beds and viewing chairs and portals. With luck see a brown bear during the midnight light. This is the view from the viewing portal in the cabin.
Inspecting new properties
04/Jun/2017 16:49
One of the best parts of our work is visiting great destinations in Swedish Lapland to inspect their viability. On this occasion we are out Stora Sjöfället.